The Friday Blogaround

This blogaround brought to you by flowers.

Recommended Reading:

Samantha: An Open Letter to My Nieces, Who Are Currently Fighting Over a Dude

Andrea: [CN: Rape culture; rape apologia; sexual assault; transphobia] Can the GOP Protect Us from Johnny Football and Dennis Hastert?

Jenn: [CN: Racism] All Californians Deserve to Be Counted: Why Data Disaggregation Matters for AAPIs

Jef: Bernie Sanders Doesn't Level Grind and That's Why He Should Lose

Rebecca: [CN: Misogyny; abuse; reproductive coercion; ageism] Toward a New Theory of the Bad Dad and Husband

Jacqui: [CN: White privilege] Bump Your "Becky" Beef

Cheryl: [CN: Misogyny] The Woman Who Discovered DNA's Double Helix May Get a Much-Deserved Biopic

Keith: [CN: Economic insecurity] Cop Buys Man a Carseat For His Daughter Instead of Giving Him a Ticket

Leave your links and recommendations in comments. Self-promotion welcome and encouraged!

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