The Friday Blogaround

This blogaround brought to you by doggy ears.

Recommended Reading:

Tressie: There Are Thieves in the Temple Tonight

Jennifer: Broadway's The Color Purple Cast Performed a Beautiful Tribute to Prince

Alex: [Content Note: Transphobia; Islamophobia; police abuse] Transgender Muslims in America Fight Bigotry on Two Fronts

Katie: [CN: Disablism; discussion of depression and anxiety; moving GIFs at link] The Process of Getting Better Can Really Suck

Andrew and Christopher: [CN: Rape apologia; sexual assault] Donald Trump Blamed the Victim in Mike Tyson's Rape Case

Al (via Scan): [CN: White and male privilege] "Beautiful Losers"

THV: Out of Costume, He's a Total Rake

Leave your links and recommendations in comments. Self-promotion welcome and encouraged!

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