I've got a new piece up at Blue Nation Review on Hillary's strident pushback (I know when most people use "strident" to describe a woman, they mean it as a criticism, but I wholly intend it as a compliment!) against the accusation that she takes campaign contributions from the fossil fuel industry, part of a larger pattern of attacks insinuating she accepts donations from nefarious corporations:
Bernie, his staff, his surrogates, and his supporters routinely accuse Hillary of accepting money from fossil fuel companies, along with every other industry they find objectionable. But what they are alleging isn't even legal. Accepting direct contributions from corporations is a violation of campaign law.

The contributions to which Bernie et al are referring are primarily individual contributions made by employees of fossil fuel companies, financial firms, etc.

...Sanders swore that he would not run a negative campaign, but this is not only negative; it's trading on ignorance about the very system he says is broken. On the one hand, he decries the corruption and brokenness of our political system; on the other hand, he leverages its corruption and brokenness in order to make untruthful attacks on his opponent.
Click through to read the whole thing. And please feel welcome to picture flames crawling up the sides of my face as you read it!

My colleague Peter Daou has a follow-up here.

UPDATE: In breathtaking temerity, the Sanders campaign has demanded an apology from Clinton. Wow. WOW.

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