Good Grief

[Content Note: War on agency.]

I'm glad the Republican front runner is keeping a firm focus on the important issues:
Donald Trump ridiculed John Kasich's "disgusting" eating during a rally in Rhode Island on Monday.

"Did you see him? He has a news conference, all the time when he's eating. I have never seen a human being eat in such a disgusting fashion," the GOP presidential front-runner said of his rival to a laughing, cheering crowd.

..."This guy takes a pancake and he's shoving it in his mouth," he said of Kasich. "It's disgusting."

"Do you want that for your president? I don't think so."
No, I don't want Kasich for my president. I also don't want someone who thinks this is worth public comment for my president.

Frankly, sir, I find it a lot more disgusting that Governor Kasich defunded Planned Parenthood.

As but one example of many.

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