image of thumbs up & thumbs down Shaker Thumbs

Shaker Thumbs is your opportunity to give a thumbs-up or thumbs-down to a product or service you have used and that you'd recommend to other Shakers or warn them away from.

We haven't had a Shaker Thumbs in a year (!), so my apologies for being lax. Thanks to Shaker livi for requesting a new Thumbs thread.

Today I am giving a thumbs-up to the Scoops of Flower Measuring Spoons, which I got at ModCloth.

image of a set of small measuring spoons designed to look like flowers sitting in a vase

Iain has been learning more seriously how to cook, and he hates rummaging through the drawers to try to find the right measuring spoon, which he's still too much of a novice to quickly identify by size at a glance. So, to give him a little something to encourage him, and to help make the measuring spoon search a little easier, I bought him this cute spoon display.

Now the tiny measuring spoons are always in reach on the kitchen counter, and it's an adorable addition to the kitchen to boot!

As with all things purchased online, you're never sure if it's going to be what you'd hoped when you order it, but this was exactly as practical and adorable as I'd hoped!

Anyway! Give us your thumbs-up or thumbs-down in comments!

Just to be abundantly clear, I am not affiliated in any way with ModCloth, nor am I receiving any form of payment for recommending them. It's just a thing I've personally found super useful and am happy to recommend.

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