Utterly Galling

[Content Note: Racism; police brutality.]

Rage seethe boil:
The city of Cleveland is asking Tamir Rice's estate to pay $500 for ambulance and medical services he received after being shot by a police officer.

The city requested the money as the 12-year-old boy's "last dying expense" in a creditor's claim filed Wednesday in Cuyahoga County Probate Court. The claim states the money is overdue.

A Rice family attorney calls the claim "callous and insensitive."
This is breathtakingly insensitive, particularly given that police did not even provide first aid to Tamir Rice. It was only after he had been lying on the ground for four minutes and "a medically trained FBI agent on duty in the area arrived at the scene" that he was given first aid.

And, as PoliticalGroove noted on Twitter: "While the #Oregonstandoff is costing $100,000 a week for armed white militants, Cleveland is suing Tamir Rice's family for ambulance ride."


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