Snowpocalypse 2016

[Content Note: Extreme weather; death. Video may autoplay at first link.]

Winter Storm Jonas hammered the US Eastern Seaboard over the weekend, dropping as much as three feet of snow in some places, and creating extremely hazardous road conditions. According to The Weather Channel, "At least 27 people have died in the storm, a quarter of a million customers have lost power, and hundreds of crashes have been reported."

This interactive map at the New York Times shows how much snow has fallen across the region. There are places that got more than three feet of snow in two days. Terrifying.

That kind of snowfall in such a short time can create all kinds of structural problems, and the clean-up is a nightmare. If the snow melts slowly, with freezing temperatures overnight, it makes roads just a sheet of ice every morning. If it melts quickly, it can cause massive flooding. And it's a nightmare to deal with that much snow in the meantime.

Recovering from this storm is going to take some time.

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