Robert Gates Ain't Impressed

[Content Note: Militarism.]

Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who is a Republican, doesn't have many kind words for the slate of Republican candidates' grasp of foreign policy:
"The level of dialogue on national security issues would embarrass a middle schooler," Gates said of the Republican contenders at a Politico Playbook event in Washington on Monday. "People are out there making threats and promises that are totally unrealistic, totally unattainable. Either they really believe what they're saying or they're cynical and opportunistic and, in a way, you hope it's the latter, because God forbid they actually believe some of the things that they're saying."

...Gates was the only defence secretary in American history to be asked to remain in that office by a newly elected president. Working under Barack Obama, he was alongside Hillary Clinton when she was secretary of state and praised her as "tough minded" with "a lot of common sense" but admitted they began to disagree on issues towards the end, notably the intervention in Libya.

He did not mention Bernie Sanders by name but did suggest both Democratic and Republican candidates are being given an easy ride by the media. "Frankly, I think that the press needs to be more aggressive," he said. "A lot of people in both parties are making huge promises and commitments."

"In some cases, the things they're saying they're going to do are unconstitutional or merely against the law and others are, from a budgetary standpoint, inconceivable, and so it seems to be that the press has not hammered hard enough and been relentless in saying, 'How the hell are you going to do that?'"
I have a lot of disagreements with Robert Gates, but this is not among them.

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