Republicans Think People Aren't Entitled to Food

[Content Note: Class warfare; food insecurity.]

Jeb Bush thinks people aren't entitled to food:
Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush is calling for an end to the federal food stamp program as part of a proposed revamp of the nation's welfare system.

Bush would end the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, generally known as food stamps, and the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program. Instead, state governments would be able to apply for new federal "Right to Rise" grants to pay for programs launched to assist lower-income residents.

"I know that giving states more flexibility will open the door for transformative ideas to eliminate poverty and increase opportunity," Bush wrote in a document outlining his plan released Friday morning.
Bullshit. It will open the door for Republican-controlled state legislatures to deny even the most paltry government support to people who desperately need it.

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