In the News

Here is some stuff in the news today...

[Content Note: Class warfare] "Fast-food workers demanding a $15 an hour wage walked out in dozens of cities at 6 a.m. Tuesday, kicking off a year-long campaign to muster the political power of 64 million low-wage workers in next year's presidential election. The protests, which will take place in 270 cities, mark the workers' largest show of force in the three years since they launched a series of rallies to call for higher pay and the right to unionize, according to Fight for $15, which represents the workers and is backed by the Service Employees International Union. Tens of thousands of workers and supporters were expected to take part in Tuesday's demonstrations, which began around dawn at McDonald's outlets in downtown Brooklyn, Boston, and Philadelphia, among other locations. Protests in as many as 700 additional cities were planned by low-paid home care, child care, farm, FedEx, nursing home, and other workers throughout the day." I take up space in solidarity with these workers, who deserve a living wage for their labor.

[CN: Rape culture; description of sexual violence] I really fucking detest the compulsive structuring of every story regarding rape culture with a detailed description of a rape upfront, and, unfortunately, you must navigate that potentially triggering structure for this piece on destroyed rape kits, which is otherwise very good.

[CN: War on agency] Goddammit: "A reproductive health clinic in South Bend, Indiana, was forced to cease abortion care on Friday after allegedly violating anti-choice measures passed by the GOP-controlled legislature in 2014. The Women's Pavilion is the last of Dr. Ulrich Klopfer's clinics; his others in Gary and Fort Wayne have both been shuttered over the past two years. Klopfer, who was unavailable for comment, was scheduled to attend hearings on his appeal last Wednesday in Indianapolis, but agreed to drop his appeal after reaching a settlement with the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH). There are now six abortion providers practicing in Indiana and none in the northern part of the state, according to ISDH."

[CN: Anti-immigrationism] Hoo boy. Judge Richard Posner may have been solid on same-sex marriage, but this anti-immigration bullshit about "pregnancy tourists" is heinous garbage.

Out magazine has revealed its Out100 cover star for 2015, and it is...President Obama. "Ally. Hero. Icon." Okay.

[CN: Christian Supremacy; video may autoplay at link] Gold toilet aficionado Donald Trump has decided he's the new spokesperson for the entirely imaginary War on Christmas: "Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump weighed in on the day's controversy on Monday, floating the prospect of boycotting Starbucks after the coffee giant announced it would abandon its Christmas-themed cups. 'I have one of the most successful Starbucks, in Trump Tower. Maybe we should boycott Starbucks? I don't know. Seriously, I don't care. That's the end of that lease, but who cares?' Trump told a crowd in Springfield, Illinois, on Monday. 'If I become president, we're all going to be saying Merry Christmas again, that I can tell you. That I can tell you.'" OH GOOD BECAUSE I HAVEN'T HEARD ANYONE SAYING MERRY CHRISTMAS IN LIKE A WHOLE YEAR.

Some dude remembers Ben Carson's Yale Psychology Prank Test, so who's the jerk NOW for thinking the otherwise super honest and credible Carson might have lied about something?!

[CN: Appropriation; emotional policing] "The New Intolerance of Student Activism." I really do not understand this reaction to the students' protests at all. 1. It just seems like people are mad at these students for caring about each other and for demanding greater sensitivity. That's...odd. 2. What is the deal with defending Halloween costumes as some sacred goddamn ritual? This is no different than a student policy that prohibits other type of oppressive speech/behavior. But as soon as it comes to Halloween costumes...OMFG WE CAN'T REGULATE HALLOWEEN! WHAT WOULD JESUS SAY?

SeaWorld will "phase out controversial public displays by killer whales" by 2017. Good.

Awwwww: "Danny Boyle 'in grief' after David Bowie says no to musical." Oh well! As much as I love David Bowie, AND I LOVE DAVID BOWIE A LOT, I want him to have complete control over any project affiliated with his work, and I respect his decision.

And finally! "20+ Dogs That Don't Care About Your Personal Space." LOL. Facts.

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