As you might have heard, ahem, Adele just dropped her new album. And now Rihanna is dropping a new album, too!
Believe it or not, it's been over three years since Rihanna had dropped her last album Unapologetic -- signifying the longest gap between albums in her career thus far. However, her fans are in luck as they do not have to wait much longer for the release of her upcoming studio album Anti. During the American Music Awards last night, a series of commercials teased the album's release and according to Teen Vogue, it'll arrive exclusively on TIDAL on Black Friday, November 27, and everywhere else on December 4.
Yayayayayay! Rihanna and Adele have my two favorite voices in current music. I can't listen to either one of them without all the chilllllllllls. If there is music playing at Shakes Manor, there is a 92% chance it's either Adele or Rihanna. Or a mix of both.


And this right on the heels of Janet Jackson having released her first album in seven years over the summer, and Missy Elliott earlier this month releasing her first video in seven years, "WTF (Where They From)," featuring Pharrell Williams. WHICH IS SO GREAT.

So many of my favorite ladies are just killing it! All at once! I can't even process it!

*runs in circles*


[Videos autoplay at all links] In related news, Adele surprised some Adele impersonators at an audition, and it was very sweet! She was also the musical guest on Saturday Night Live this weekend, and her performances were extraordinary. There was also this hilarious digital short, in which Adele saves Thanksgiving. "Thanks, Adele!"

Anyway! Is there any new music by female artists about which you're really excited?

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