Campus Shooting in Arizona

[Content Note: Guns; shooting; death.]

A gunman opened fire on the Flagstaff campus of Northern Arizona University last night, killing one person and injuring three more. The shooter is reportedly in custody. No additional information is known at this time. A press conference is expected this morning, and I'll update this post as more details are made available.

It is the 47th school shooting this year in the US.

My condolences the families, friends, colleagues and/or classmates of the victims. I hope those who were injured have access to the resources they need to heal. My thoughts to members of the school community. Fucking hell. I'm so sorry.

UPDATE 1: Police have identified the shooter as an 18-year-old man named Steven Jones. During a press conference, NAU police chief Greg Fowler said the shooting started after "several of our students, two separate student groups got into a confrontation." There is no information yet on what led to the altercation.

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