TV Corner: So You Think You Can Dance

[Content Note: Spoiler for the finale of So You Think You Can Dance.]

Last night was the finale of So You Think You Can Dance, and it was a two-hour extravaganza of mostly performances we'd seen before, many of which were worth seeing again and some of which I had already totally forgotten!

Since I missed a couple of weeks, I'm going to instead post this tap routine that was performed last week by the eventual winner, Team Stage's resident tapper Gaby (yay, Gaby!), because this number was AMAAAAAZING.

Video Description: Gaby, a young Latina female tap dancer, and all-star Zack, a young white male tap dancer, perform a tap routine choreographed by Anthony Morigerato and set to "Dibidy Bop (Swing Mix)" by Club Des Belugas featuring Brenda Boykin. What is remarkable about this routine is that a portion of it is performed atop six boxes equally spaced apart onstage.

I also really loved the opening routine of last night's finale, featuring the Top 18 plus the all-stars:

Video Description: The Top 18 and the 10 all-stars, a diverse group of young women and men, perform a jazz routine choreographed by Nick Florez and RJ Durell and set to "Archangel" by Two Steps from Hell.

Check out Jasmine in the sequence from 1:00-1:15. Fucking hell, she is just a stunning dancer. (Tell me I'm not the only person who will actually watch those damn deodorant commercials just because she's in them!)

Anyway. I thought overall it was a pretty great season, even though more than usual of the choreography was a little lackluster, and I still don't really understand the point of the whole Stage vs. Street set-up.

I'm pretty much thrilled with any season in which it comes down a final four where I'd be happy no matter who won, and, although Gaby was my fave, I would have been happy had Jaja, Virgil, or Hailee won, too.

What did you think?

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