Question of the Day

(This is a rather US-centric question, but, given the increasing global access to media from other countries, I think it's less US-centric than it might have been once upon a time. Also: Although the new fall season in the US prompted the question, your answer doesn't have to be about a US show.)

The fall television season in the US started this week, and I'm wondering: Are there any new shows about which you're excited?

The only new show I've started is The Bastard Executioner on F/X, and it's very violent, so it obviously won't be for everyone, as well as very male-dominant, but we're two episodes in and I LOVE THE BARONESS AND THE HEALER SO MUCH! (Both female characters.) And, without spoiling anything for anyone who may watch, I also love how Kurt Sutter and Paris Barclay are all: "Oh you say you can't find a way to incorporate characters of color into medieval British entertainment? Hahaha fuck you."

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