Good Grief: Jeb Bush Is a Disaster

It seems as though perhaps Jeb Bush's strategery skills have been misunderestimated:
Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush declined to say on Tuesday whether GOP front-runner Donald Trump is qualified to be commander in chief, but he urged his rival to speak more substantively about national security.

..."I'm going to focus on my candidacy and my experience and my views and let others – I hope that 'Secretary Trump' takes advantage of APPS to have a sit-down conversation and have a detailed conversation about things of substance," he said. "That's what Americans want in the end, that's what I'm going to focus on. I'll let others judge people's qualifications." It was not immediately clear why Bush referred to the real estate mogul as "Secretary Trump."

A Bush aide later denied that the reference had been a dig at Trump, saying that the former Florida governor had just answered a question about former secretary of state and current presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, and accidentally conflated the two in his next response.
Whut. WHUT.
Bush also clarified comments he made to The Washington Post on Monday evening, when he said, "There are like 10 things I would change in the Constitution with a magic wand."

In fact, he said, he doesn't have 10 specific things he'd like to change about the Constitution.

...Irked that reporters would suggest that he wants to make 10 changes to the Constitution, he added: "I mean, is there any way to actually have a conversation with people where the context of the words are clear?"
Is there?

I don't know about these Bush brothers, y'all. [CN: video autoplays at link] As the old saying goes: Fool me once, shame on...shame on you; fool me can't get fooled again! Heh heh heh.

Honestly, it seems like every article I read about Jeb Bush, there's something about how he needs to clarify some stupid crap that was quoted in a previous article. I figured he'd be more polished than his dipshit brother, but nope!

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