So You Think You Can Dance for 10 Years

Last night, So You Think You Can Dance aired a special celebrating ten years on the air (and promoting some new Ryan Seacrest garbage reality show). I could have done with less Seacrest and fewer montages, and more with where are the winners now, but I loved getting to see some favorite routines from seasons past again, especially current judge Jason Derulo's favorite pick:

[Video Description: SYTYCD all-stars Comfort and Jasmine do a powerful hip-hop routine choreographed by NappyTabs to Beyoncé's "Run the World (Girls)" and it is amazing!]

And the viewers' choice top two favorites were amazing selections, too. This was the runner-up:

[Video Description: SYTYCD all-stars Allison and Robert do a stunning contemporary routine choreographed by fellow all-star Travis Wall to Coldplay's "Fix You" and it is amazing!]

And this was the viewers' top pick for favorite routine of all time [please note there is a strobe effect in this video]:

[Video Description: SYTYCD all-stars Twitch and Alex do a funny and fabulous hip hip routine with amazing fancy footwork, choreographed by NappyTabs to "Outta Your Mind" by Lil Jon, featuring LM*AO.]

I don't know that I would have chosen that as my favorite of all time, although it's certainly up there. I probably would have picked this routine with Jasmine and Twitch. Though my favorite thing I've ever seen on SYTYCD is still Hampton Williams' audition.

Anyway! I love that Allison Holker and Twitch were in the top two favorites, because they are of course THE FAVORITES OF MY HEART. (Did you know they are married? They are married!) This video of them working with Dancers Among Us photographer Jordan Matter is THE BEST.

Feel free to recall and/or share your favorite SYTYCD routines of seasons past, or from the current season, in comments!

(P.S. I miss Mary Murphy this season. I love Paula Abdul, but no one can replace Mary. *joyscreams*)

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