Shooting in Chattanooga

[Content Note: Guns; shooting; possible terrorism.]

An unidentified gunman armed with numerous weapons "brutally and brazenly attacked" two military facilities in Chattanooga, Tennessee, today, killing four people and wounding others. The gunman is dead, although it is not clear whether he took his own life or was killed by someone else.
The shooting began about 10:45 a.m. at one recruiting center on Lee Highway in and ended about 30 minutes later at the facility on Amnicola Highway, where all of the deaths occurred, officials said at the news conference. Photographs of the Amnicola facility showed the windows riddled with bullet holes.

The United States attorney Bill Killian said that federal investigators would take the lead on the case, which he initially called an "act of domestic terrorism" before backing away, saying that the investigation would determine how the crime should be labeled.
My condolences to the family, friends, and colleagues of those who were killed.

I will update this post with additional information as it becomes available.

UPDATE 1: [CN: Video may autoplay at link] CBS News has identified the shooter as Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez. I haven't found a second source for that yet, so it should definitely be considered preliminary and unconfirmed information.

UPDATE 2: [CN: Video may autoplay at link] CNN is now also identifying the shooter as Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, citing "two sources briefed on the case," as is NBC News, who also report that he is a "naturalized U.S. citizen from Kuwait." Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson cautions in a statement "at this time, there are many unconfirmed and possibly false reports about events."

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