Daily Dose of Cute

As I have said many times, despite her regal looks, Matilda is one of the goofiest cats to have ever lived. Here is further evidence, as Tils—looking (as usual) like a total weirdo with chunks cut out of her fur because I have to chop out mats due to her lackadaisical grooming—wrestles with an invisible friend on the sofa:

Video Description: Cinematic music. Matilda the Fluffy Sealpoint Cat is tucked into one side of the loveseat against the arm, sniffing at something. She lifts her head and looks around. Her tail flicks. Her ears go back and she dramatically flips onto one side, her face disappearing behind the arm of the loveseat. She paws frantically at literally nothing. Paw paw paw. She stops and looks up at the camera, wide-eyed, the tip of her tongue sticking out. The tip of her tail flicks and then she rolls over. Paw. Freeze. Licks her side. Stares at nothing. Leaps up onto the arm, then spins around and leaps back down onto the seat. Pause. Spin. Twitch. Looks up at the camera with her tongue hanging out. Licks her nose. Looks cute.

This went on for about half an hour, lol.

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