An Observation

[Content Note: Reproductive policing.]

When I was in my 20s—and even earlier, as I started saying I didn't want children in my teens—I was told by people who had chosen to parent that I would change my mind.

Now that I am in my 40s, and it's becoming pretty damn clear that I am not going to change my mind, instead of those same people apologizing for having asserted for two decades that they know my mind better than I do, they are now warning me that I will regret not having changed my mind. That my old age will be filled with regret for not having children.

Okay, players. See you in 20 years.

When I will certainly be just as devoid of regret as I am devoid of a desire to parent now.

[Related Reading: Childfree 101: Cultural Reproductive Coercion.]

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