Aaaaaaaaand We're Back!

Welcome back, everyone! I had a lovely week away, and, while I get caught up on email and get my bearings again (by which I mean, naturally, review how many millions of Republicans joined the clown car in the last ten days), here are some pictures of my holiday to peruse, if you're curious about what I was getting up to! Back to regularly scheduled programming shortly!

image of the Indiana Dunes at the shore of Lake Michigan on a sunny day
Chilled at the Indiana Dunes!

image of a coral cactus
Adopted a cactus!

image of our grill cooking meat on our back porch
Grilled stuff!

image of a colorful plate of freshly washed vegetables
Ate stuff!

image of a red door on a blue beach house
Went to a friend's beach house!

image of a hummingbird hovering in flight at a feeder
Watched the hummingbirds!

image of a collection of tiny round plant fossils
Collected ciroids!

image of tiny purple and white flowers
Looked at flowers!

image of a vinelike plant growing out of a cement block
Looked at plants!

image of a beach path and wooden stairway
Walked the Dunes!

image of the lake past two colorful beach chairs
Sat on my ass looking at the gorgeous lake!

image of clinking glasses full of pink liquid
Drank pink stuff!

image of the sun setting over Lake Michigan on a hazy evening
Gazed at the sunset!

image of me making a cheeky face and giving the thumbs-up
Went to see Magical Michael Extra Extra Large and made this face about it!

image of a sky, cloudy on one half, sunny on the other, above trees
Stood in my backyard looking at the sky while it rained on one side of me and not the other!

image of a sushi roll
Ate other stuff!

image of me at the beach with the lake behind me
Back to the beach!

image of Dudley at the beach house wearing a straw hat
Made Dudley wear a hat!

image of Zelda grinning
Made Zelda grin!

image of the Chicago skyline in the distance over the lake
Gazed at the Chicago skyline!

image of my very sunburned chest
Took an accidental selfie of my very sunburned cleavage!

image of a late afternoon sun over Lake Michigan
Said goodbye to the beach! At least 'til next weekend!

So, Shakers: What have you been getting up to the past week? Anything exciting? Any pictures to share? Have at it in comments!

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