The Friday Blogaround

This blogaround brought to you by tasty sandwiches.

Recommended Reading:

Sinthujan: [Content Note: White supremacy; police brutality] Hypervisible Bodies: Protesting White Supremacy Whilst Racialised

Parker: [CN: Gender policing; ciscentrism] On Defending My Own Existence: The Only Winning Move Is Not to Play

puckmatz: [CN: Transphobic violence; self-harm; dehumanization; ciscentrism] Five Things Cis People Can Actually Do for Trans People (Now That You Care About Us)

Sameer: [CN: Racism; police brutality] Philadelphia Government Releases New Documents on Brandon Tate-Brown Shooting

Digby: The Kochs Make a Major Move

Jodi: [CN: War on agency] Pro-Choice and Pregnant? Yeah, It's Really Real

Mannion: [CN: Misogyny; relationship policing] I Think Jeb Bush Needs to Reread The Scarlet Letter

Arturo: A Quick Guide to Five of the Cambodian Artists Features in Don't Think I've Forgotten

Leave your links and recommendations in comments. Self-promotion welcome and encouraged!

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