Quote of the Day

[Content Note: Police brutality; racism.]

"Matt has withstood scrutiny and is entitled to pursue his passion and his passion is to be a police officer serving the Madison community. I am not going to strong-arm someone to resign, retire or relocate, particularly when there has been no fault found. He is his own master of his own universe."—Madison, Wisconsin, Police Chief Mike Koval, during a press conference yesterday afternoon regarding the announcement that "Officer Matt Kenny has been exonerated, after an internal investigation found he followed proper procedure when he used 'deadly force' against" black teenager Tony Robinson.

I don't even know where to fucking begin. The master of his own universe. Do these guys even have the faintest idea how they sound to people who don't share their contemptible view of the world and the people in it?

My condolences to Tony Robinson's family, for this man's utter lack of compassion.

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