Question of the Day

Suggested by Shaker Bearpaw01: "What is a meal that has stuck in your memory, whether it was the food, the location, the context, the company, or any combination?"

Lots of memorable meals come to mind, most of them simple and owing to good food, good company, and good conversation. The most extraordinary (in its literal sense; that is, way the hell out of the ordinary) meal that has stuck in my memory, though, is: In 2011, on one of our visits to the Space Cowpokes, they surprised me by taking me to Chef Eric Ripert's Le Bernardin, regarded as one of the best restaurants in the world, for my birthday dinner.

I don't even know how to begin to describe how amazing this meal was. Everything was just splendid. The décor of the restaurant was warm and inviting; the service was spectacular; the food was beyond description—not only did it taste divine, but it was cooked to perfection, the presentation was exquisite, and the butchering was impeccable. When we told our waiter we were considering a bottle of Riesling for the table, he sent over their Austrian sommelier. Because you know how every restaurant has HAS MULTIPLE REGIONALLY-SPECIFIC SOMMELIERS TO HELP YOU PICK THE BEST BOTTLE OF WINE.


We did a tasting menu with multiple courses, and here are pictures of just two of the courses, to illustrate how unbelievably beautiful the presentation was:

image of beautifully presented langoustines on a bed of greens
My barely cooked course: Langoustines.

image of a beautifully presented pistacchio dessert with many different colorful and textural components
My dessert: Pistachio treatment.

The best part of all, though, was the company. Having a dining experience like that is an enormous gift and a privilege, but it wouldn't have been the same, not even close, had I not experienced it with three of my favorite people on the planet.

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