Kids Today

[Content Note: Fire; injuries.]

image of a young white boy and a young black boy standing with their arms around each other's shoulders, smiling

Ten-year-old Isaiah Francis and eleven-year-old Jeremiah Grimes were playing video games when they started to smell smoke. They looked out the window and saw that the house next door was on fire, so they called 911 and then ran over to see if anyone needed help.
"So we ran over there as fast as we could, and the dad was outside trying to find water," said 10-year-old Isaiah. "We asked them if there were any kids in there, and he said, 'Yes!' We said, 'Where?' He said, 'In the kitchen!'"

So the boys raced inside the home.

"I grabbed the infant, and Isaiah grabbed the one-and-a-half year old," explained 11-year-old Jeremiah.

Isaiah said he saw flames inside the home.

"Yes, it was really close to the babies, because it started by the couch," he said.

..."Mostly, it was just dark. You could see black and orange flames everywhere, and I was kind of scared of doing that," Jeremiah said.

Isaiah added, "I was scared, but got through my fear and went into the fire."

After the boys carried the children out of the burning home, they headed five houses down, to Isaiah's house, where they placed them on the couch and gave them some water.

"We made sure they were ok, nothing wrong with them," Jeremiah said.
When the firefighters arrived, because Jeremiah had called them, they rescued two other older children, ages 2 and 5, who were still inside. They are both in critical but stable condition.

The cause of the fire is being investigated, and the parents of the children are super grateful to the two boys: "They said, 'Thank you so much! We're so proud of you for saving our children!'"

Amazing. Well done, boys! ♥ ♥ ♥

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