Quote of the Day

[Content Note: Police brutality; torture.]

"[T]he City's Conduct was to act like the proverbial ostrich and, though aware of misconduct at Homan Square, allowed the misconduct to occur in such a manner as to permit officers: to seize, transport and secretly detain citizens at Homan Square; to detain citizens for extended periods of time while handcuffed to a bar on a cell wall; to interrogate citizens when they had not been read their Miranda rights; to deny citizens access to attorneys; to attempt to coerce false confessions out of citizens; to deny citizens the ability to tell their families of their whereabouts; to refuse citizens access to a restroom, food, or water; and to threaten citizens that they would be charged with crimes if they did not provide information."—From a lawsuit brought by John Vergara and Jose Garcia against the Chicago police on behalf of Homan Square victims. Homan Square is the detention center which has been described as "the domestic equivalent of a CIA black site."

This is the first lawsuit of its kind so far. There are likely to be others, given the vast constitutional violations which have been perpetrated by police at Homan Square.

This shit is happening in Chicago. In the center of the American heartland. To US citizens.

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