[Content Note: Cat swatting at another cat. It's very minor, but if you have any fear of cat aggression, maybe skip this one.]

Let's all watch this and/or read the transcript and laugh forever:

Video Description: A white human hand holds a phone which is playing a video. The video shows a grey tabby cat sitting unawares just outside a cupboard in which another grey tabby cat is hiding. The cat in the cupboard reaches out its paw, winds up, and swats the other cat in the face, who then hisses in return. CLASSIC CATS.

Cut to a blond white young woman holding up a handwritten sign reading in black print: "DRAMATIC REENACTMENT." A young white man in a trenchcoat stands in front of a slightly open closet. Another young white man peeks out, just as the cat in the cupboard had done, then reaches up and swats at the other guy, who turns and hisses at him. CLASSIC CAT REENACTMENT.

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