Rah Rah Ballsports Go Team!

So, did you watch the Superbowl yesterday? Did you also think it was the worst ending ever in Superbowl history? If not, I bet you are a Patriots fan!

Iain and I watched it, only because the weather ruined our annual tradition of being the only people at the movie theater on Superbowl Sunday. It's always enjoyable to watch American football with Iain, because he hates it soooo much! Which makes for lots of amusing commentary!

I am very interested in Marshawn Lynch as a person, though, so it was fun to watch him play and root for him and DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON WHY HE WASN'T GIVEN THE BALL WITH 20 SECONDS LEFT OMG THIS IS WHY I DON'T WATCH SPORTS.

This was my one and only Superbowl tweet last night:

image of a tweet authored by me reading: 'Dear Pete Carroll' followed by a picture of Tommy Lee Jones saying I CANNOT SANCTION YOUR BUFFOONERY

Anyway. The best part of the whole night, except presumably for Patriots fans, was obviously this:

image of Katy Perry dancing with people in cartoonish shark costumes during the halftime show
"We're gonna need a bigger barrrrrrrrf!"

I don't even know. Something something fireworks.

Even the ads were disappointing last night. I didn't love any of them, and the ad by Coke about how Coca-Cola is going to turn the internet into a place full of love just enraged me. Fuck you, Coke!

There are lots of ads to discuss, though, if you are so inclined, including the NFL's weaksauce PSA about domestic violence, for which I have all the contempt in the world the end.

The game, the halftime show, the ads, the annoying dude at the Superbowl Party you attended, whatever: Discuss!

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