Film Corner: Run All Night

[Content Note: Violence; patriarchy.]

Liam Neeson, Aggrieved Patriarch, apparently has no more daughters or wives to save, so now it's time to save his son!

[Above: The trailer for the new film Run All Night.]

Video Description: Grizzled white patriarch Liam Neeson sits across a table in fancy restaurant from grizzled white patriarch Ed Harris. "It's gotta be fifteen years since I've been in here. The place looks different," growls Neeson. "All the old places look different now," growls Harris. Ominous music. "I'm the only one ever cared about you," growls Harris. "And alla that ended an hour ago when you killed my son." Oh damn!

Cut to a scene of some pre-grizzled white dude pointing a gun at medium-grizzled white dude Joel Kinnaman, who flinches as a shot is fired, but it turns out it was Liam Neeson killing the other guy to save Joel Kinnaman. He kills him with an unlit cigarette hanging out of his mouth, because he's a HARD MAN. In voiceover, Liam Neeson growlsplains: "I pulled the trigger. I killed Danny. I had to. He was going to shoot Michael."

Cut back to the restaurant, where Liam Neeson growls: "I'm here askin' for my son's life, Shawn." Ed Harris looks unimpressed and growls back with his grizzled face. "He's a good kid," Liam Neeson growls. "He's got a family." Video of Joel Kinnaman looking at photographs of his family as PROOF he definitely has a family. "He don't deserve this."

Ed Harris don't give a fuck. "I'm comin' after your boy with everything I got. And when it's done—and it will be done—then I'll let you die." Meaningful grizzled looks are exchanged.

Cue the montagery!

Cityscape. Gun. Car. Gearshift. Pedal. Daddy pays Son a visit. "We both know why I'm here, Michael." City streets. Train. Joel Kinnaman in a hoodie. Punching. Daddy and Son chat on the train. "Shawn's coming after you, Michael." Bad guys go after Michael's perfectly ungrizzled wife and children. "And if he can't get to you, he's gonna go after your family." Guns. Punching. Vincent D'Onofrio! Ed Harris growls, "Tell everyone to get ready." Guns. Joel Kinnaman points a gun at someone, but Liam Neeson puts his hand down and points HIS gun instead. Maybe stop shooting people on your son's behalf, sir! How's he ever gonna reach full grizzle if you're doing all his dirty work for him, huh?!

As a lovely lady's voice begins singing "Danny Boy" (hahahahahaha of course) text onscreen reads: "THIS SPRING." Cityscape. People walking. Ed Harris in a car. Liam Neeson growls in voiceover, "Right now, we're the most wanted people in this city." Common (hi, Common!) opens the trunk of a car and looks at a fancy gun. Liam Neeson growls in voiceover, "I know how this works. They're gonna start pulling your life apart." Joel Kinnaman kisses his wife's forehead.

Ed Harris stands in a room full of grizzled white men and growlshouts, "I want people at his house! I want people at his wife's family's house! Anywhere he might run for help!" A bar exterior. Vincent D'Onofrio flipping through cash sticking out of an envelope. Liam Neeson growls in voiceover: "The cops have got the wrong motivation." Punching. Car chase. "Danny Boy." Liam Neeson growls in voiceover, "You've got to worry about staying alive." Liam Neeson spins around in the middle of a street with a gun in the air. In voiceover, "I'm the best chance you've got."

Cut back to the train. Liam Neeson growls, "Listen to your father for one night." Joel Kinnaman makes a stink-face and growls, "One night."

Text Onscreen: "ONE NIGHT." Running. Guns. "TO LIVE." Fire. Punching. "TO DIE." Joel Kinnaman screaming. "TO RUN." Joel Kinnaman running in the woods. Fighting. Guns. Car crash. Liam Neeson in the woods, lifting a rifle and firing it in slow-motion. "RUN ALL NIGHT."

WHICH GRIZZLED AGGRIEVED PATRIARCH WILL WIN?! Will it be the grizzled aggrieved patriarch who lost his son-property, or the grizzled aggrieved patriarch who's trying to protect his son-property?! WE'LL HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL APRIL TO FIND OUT!!!

I don't know about y'all, but I can't wait not to see this movie!

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