Ugh Ugh Ugh

Yesterday, I woke up feeling poorly, congested and headachy and a vicious sore throat, and, by the end of the day, I was in bad shape. Fever, shivering, the whole lot. I went to bed early and piled on the blankets and slept hard.

That is until 4am, when Dudley woke us up whining, because our furnace had stopped working and the house was freezing.

Iain tinkered with it for awhile, trying to get it to work, but no joy. So, we're waiting for someone to come out and see if it can be fixed. In the meantime, the inside temperature has plummeted to 50 degrees, and I'm feeling worse and worse, and my fever keeps going up.

So I'm going back to bed, with every blanket in the house, and all the dogs and cats, in an attempt to stay warm and get well, until we have working heat again.

2015 was supposed to be better than 2014. This is not an auspicious start.

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