Quote of the Day

"No, no, no, no, never."Senator Rand Paul, on the prospect of another Mitt Romney presidential run, last night. Sooooo, it sounds like he's pretty excited about the possibility!
Romney "would have made a great president," added Paul, rumored to be considering his own White House bid. "But to win the presidency you have the reach out and appeal to new constituencies. And I just don't think it's possible."

"And if he thinks, 'Well, I'm just going to change a few themes and next time I'll reach out to more people,' I think it's a little more visceral than that," the libertarian lawmaker said of Romney.
Correct! Except for the part about where Mitt Romney would have made a great president. Typical Rand Paul: He says one thing that sounds good, and then something else that reminds you most of what comes out of his mouth is trash.

Welp, I don't know about you, but I'm definitely loving this Republican primary where the candidates are absolutely totally for sure not going after each other like rabid monsters this time! It's working out GREAT so far!

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