Quote of the Day

[Content Note: Class warfare.]

I know it's early for a Quote of the Day, but it's not going to get any better than this...

"Do you think wealthy people care whether their president cares about them? No. Who cares? Lower or middle income folks who are struggling. And guess what, [Mitt Romney] only got [about] 19 percent of that vote. We better have a party and a movement that addresses and cares about the people who are losing hope and feeling like America doesn't work for them anymore."—Rick Santorum (!!!!!) at the South Carolina Tea Party Coalition Convention yesterday.

LOLOLOLOL brilliant.

First of all, that's amazing because Rick Santorum actually imagines that he's going to be a populist Republican presidential candidate and win. Good luck with that!

Secondly, that's amazing because remember how the Republican Party was going to have a shorter primary season in which the candidates were nice to each other, because they decided that all the sniping at one another was the reason they haven't won the last two elections? Whooooooooooops!

It is January of 2015, neither of these men have officially announced their candidacies, and one is already going after the other in pursuit of a presidency for which the election is still almost fully two years away.

In other words: Everything is perfect with the Republican Party. A+.

image of Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney at a debate; Santorum is holding up a thumb on one hand, and Romney is grabbing his other hand, and they are both tersely smiling/laughing. I have added text reading: 'No, YOU are the biggest dirtbag.' 'Hahaha, no my friend, YOU are!'

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