Parks & Rec: The Final Season

[Spoilers are working through friendship issues herein.]

So, the last season of Parks & Rec premiered last week. It is a show I once loved very much, and for which I slowly lost enthusiasm, almost entirely because of the continued bullying of Gary (Jerry/Terry). And, despite my issues with the show, I feel like it deserves better than the truncated, two-episodes-at-a-time rush off the air on Tuesday nights that NBC has given it.

The last season, which takes place three years in the future (gleep glorp!), got off to a pretty rocky start last week. I really wasn't feeling it at all. Leslie and Ron had become mortal enemies for reasons as-yet unexplained, and they were set in a head-to-head battle over a piece of land, with Leslie wanting to turn it into a national park and Ron wanting to use it for commercial development.

This week's episode was much better, and the scene of Leslie annoying Ron by dancing and singing to "We Didn't Start the Fire," making up her own lyrics, was so damn funny—and reminded me of what I loved about the show in the first place.

If you want to watch just that scene, skip ahead to 4:14:

"Harry Truman was a guy, America, Red China, all the countries, other people, everyone is fun / Joe Mantegna, Ian McKellan, I have to buy a new toaster, this is awesome, you're so stupid, jumping up and down / Woo! / Freddie Kreuger, pots and pans, Oprah has a turtle farm, Peter Piper, pee-pee, poo-poo, Daddy ate a squirrel!" LOLOLOL!

Anyway. I thought we might want a thread to discuss the show, whether you love it or hate it or a little of both, as it prepares for its farewell.

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