What Works

[Content Note: Police brutality; racism.]

New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio just made a statement in which he urged protestors to demonstrate peacefully, saying that peaceful protest "is the only thing that's ever worked."

Worked how?

Why are we here, then? If peaceful protests have worked?

What "works" is accountability. What "works" is indictments. What "works" is not giving people reasons to protest in the first place.

What "works" is police not killing black people with impunity.

Essentially, what De Blasio and everyone else singing this kumbaya horseshit are saying is: "It's incumbent upon you to protest peacefully, but not incumbent on us to stop killing black people."

Fuck that. Fuck anyone who says that.

"Yeah, yeah, this keeps happening over and over and over. But you need to ask us NICELY to stop."

That is monstrous.

I swear to fuck if all you have in this moment is tone policing from a podium, you have less than nothing.

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