Smiley Faces

Kaelin Tully at Buzzfeed: "31 Animal Smiles from 2014 That Will Make You Too Happy." Yes, I know it's clickbait but I DON'T CARE. Just look at those happy faces!

Let's all just use this thread to post pictures of our pets smiling, because who can't use AS MANY ADORABLE PICTURES OF SMILEY ANIMALS AS POSSIBLE?

Below, my favorite smiley pictures of each of the furry residents of Shakes Manor, in ascending age order:

image of Zelda the Black and Tan Mutt asleep on my lap, smiling
Zelda: "I dream of treats."

image of Dudley the Greyhound lying upside down on the couch, smiling
Dudley: "Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese!"

image of Sophie the Torbie Cat smiling contentedly while I scratch her head
Sophie: "Oh, yeah. That's the spot."

image of Olivia the White Farm Cat smiling
Olivia: "Life is amazing."

image of Matilda with her head tilted upwards, smiling as a scratch her ear
Matilda: "Tony."

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