Quote of the Day

[Content Note: Police bruality; racism.]

"Clearly some were not telling the truth."—St. Louis Prosecuting Attorney Robert McCulloch, admitting that some of the witnesses who appeared before the grand jury tasked with deciding whether to indict Officer Darren Wilson, who killed Michael Brown, lied during their testimony. McCulloch also noted that he would not be pursuing charges against any of the witnesses who lied under oath.

This would be bad enough, except that McCulloch says it doesn't matter, and he would have let them testify anyway:
In his first extensive interview since the grand jury decided not to indict Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson, McCulloch said he had no regrets about letting grand jury members hear from non-credible witnesses.

"Early on I decided that anyone who claimed to have witnessed anything would be presented to the grand jury," McCulloch said. He added that he would've been criticized no matter his decision.
Which is basically his saying that he would have been criticized by people who don't actually care about the truth if all he did was put on the stand witnesses who failed utterly to support Wilson's bullshit version of events, because they aren't liars.

So, you know, extend a little compassion for the poor man who might have had to hear criticisms from white supremacists if he'd actually done his fucking job.

[H/T to Adam Serwer.]

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