Discussion Thread: Sexual Assault Reporting

[Content Note: Sexual violence.]

Reporting of sexual assault has been in the news a lot lately: Whether to report, why some women (and men) feel they can't report, why some survivors feel obliged to report, how to report, where to report (law enforcement vs. university systems vs. human resources at jobs with sexual assault provisions in employment contracts), if to tell one's story publicly, who survivors can trust with their stories, even in our private lives.

Here is a thread to share your story, whether you reported, tried to report, or didn't report. Whether you've told your story, and how. Whether you dealt with separate instances of sexual assault in different ways. How you feel about your decision. To tell your story for the first time, if you want to.

There is no One Right Way to be a survivor. The way each of us responds to surviving sexual abuse is unique. But hearing each other's stories can be validating.

This is a thread for validation and solidarity, and there will be no auditing of anyone's choices.

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