This Is Rape Culture

[Content Note: Rape apologia; victim-blaming.]

image of tweet authored by me reading: 'Maybe let's not discuss whether Bill Cosby seems like the type of man who would rape women. All different kinds of men rape women.'
image of tweet authored by me reading: 'And maybe let's also not talk about the type of women making allegations against Cosby. All kinds of different women are raped.'
image of tweet authored by me reading: 'The one thing men who rape women share in common, though, is a belief that they will get away with it. Power abets lack of accountability.'
image of tweet authored by me reading: 'So the idea that a popular, famous man is unlikely to be a rapist b/c of his popularity & fame is precisely wrong. He knows it shields him.'
image of tweet authored by me reading: 'A lot of times, the simple answer to the specious question, 'Why would he do something like that?' is, horribly, 'Because he can.''

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