Senate Defeats Keystone Bill by One Vote

This, of course, is while they still hold the majority:
Senate Democrats, by a single vote, stopped legislation that would have approved construction of the Keystone XL pipeline, one of the most fractious and expensive battles of the Obama presidency.

The vote represented a victory for the environmental movement, but the fight had taken on larger dimensions as a proxy war between Republicans, who argued that the project was vital for job creation, and President Obama, who had delayed a decision on building it.

...Republicans vowed to bring back the Keystone bill as soon as they return in January, when they will hold the majority. Speaking on the Senate floor moments after the vote, Senator Mitch McConnell, Republican of Kentucky and the incoming majority leader, said that he would immediately bring up a Keystone bill when the new Senate convenes.

"For so many good reasons, we'll be back with this after the first of the year," said Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, a Republican who is poised to replace Ms. Landrieu as head of the Senate Energy Committee. "And I believe that the momentum we've gained means we'll see progress and see this bill passed."
At which point, the President will likely veto it. And there will likely not be enough votes to override his veto. But Republicans aren't going to let this one go. It's become too perfect a symbol for who holds the political power in D.C.

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