Fat Fashion

This is your semi-regular thread in which fat women can share pix, make recommendations for clothes they love, ask questions of other fat women about where to locate certain plus-size items, share info about sales, talk about what jeans cut at what retailer best fits their body shapes, discuss how to accessorize neutral colored suits, share stories of going bare-armed for the first time, brag about a cool fashion moment, whatever.

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So, if I had just a shitload of money, and so did everyone else on the planet, and all of us could just spend it profligately forever and ever, or we were living in some other kind of utopia where I could barter services for goods, I would spend or barter ridiculous sums to own a moto jacket in every color of the rainbow. Because I ♥ moto jackets.

I especially adore my black faux leather moto jacket, which I happened to be wearing in yesterday's #365feministselfie:

image of me in my car, wearing my black moto jacket over a slate grey t-shirt and with a black stone necklace
Misandry helmet + moto jacket.

It's not easy to find a totally great moto jacket in plus sizes, and I drool over them whenever I find them.

Anyway! I don't really have anything else to say today. I mostly just wanted to post a Fat Fashion thread to let you know that ModCloth is having a 15% off everything sale, with the code YAY15, and Torrid is having a BOGO 50% everything sale, with the code AUTUMN.

So if there's anyone who's always looking and/or waiting for a good sale, maybe today is your day!

As always, all subjects related to fat fashion are on topic.

Have at it in comments! Please remember to make fat women of all sizes, especially women who find themselves regularly sizing out of standard plus-size lines, welcome in this conversation, and pass no judgment on fat women who want to and/or feel obliged, for any reason, to conform to beauty standards. And please make sure if you're soliciting advice, you make it clear you're seeking suggestions—and please be considerate not to offer unsolicited advice. Sometimes people just need to complain and want solidarity, not solutions.

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