
This weekend, Iain went to see Lui (who's done most of my tattoos, and did Deeky's first tattoo) for the first session on a big arm piece. I went along and took some work with me, which I finished midway through his session, so I asked Jake, who did my scarab, and didn't have a client scheduled, if he felt like doing a piece on my leg for the cash I had on hand, and he did, so here is my latest tattoo.

series of four images showing a tattoo that wraps around my lower right calf, which looks like a river of black ink curling around, accompanied by colors that look like streaks and splatters of paint

Jake has been working on this abstract ink-and-paint technique, and I told him to do whatever he wanted to do. (About which he was really excited, and so was I!) He started by drawing on my leg with a light purple marker, then smeared the marker, and let it dry. He followed the outline of the marker with black ink, to create this effect of what looks like a ribbon of ink curling around my leg, and then he went through with various colors to create the splatters and brush strokes.

I couldn't be more thrilled with the result. The pictures don't even do it justice; the details are so beautiful.

It's really fun to know the person who's tattooing you, and be known by them, and just be able to trust in their talents and let them have all the freedom to create something beautiful.

This sort of abstract stuff isn't everyone's cup of tea, of course. But whatever your cuppa is, if you can find someone who excels at it and just let them go, it's totally the best.

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