Your 50x Film

Last night, Iain asked me: "What film would you watch 50 times in a row for $100,000?" I laughed for a hundred years, and then I set to thinking about what film I could possibly withstand watching 50 times in a row for any amount of money.

Would it be the shortest film I could think of? A film I loved, knowing the distinct possibility of ruining it for myself forever after extended submersive viewing? How even to decide?

Eventually, I figured I'd pick a film I'd watched so many times as a kid that I could recite it line by line already anyway, and wouldn't mind terribly if I never wanted to watch it again at the end of 50 consecutive viewings: Some Kind of Wonderful.

I still don't know if I'd make it, though, even if in some bizarre reality there was a weirdo with money to burn who was going to offer me an exorbitant sum to try.

So: Would you even make the attempt, if such a strange offer came your way? And, if so, what film would you choose?

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