
This is the cover photo on the Indianapolis Star's Facebook page this morning:

screen cap of the Indianapolis Star's FB page showing a picture of two young white men kissing after being married in Indianapolis yesterday

That is a picture of Jake Miller and Craig Bowen, the first same-sex couple to wed in Indianapolis yesterday.

And below is a picture, also care of the Indy Star, of the "couples lined up this morning ahead of the Marion County Clerk's 8 a.m. opening. Clerk Beth White said her office held more than 186 same-sex weddings on Wednesday."

image of a long line of people standing in line, waiting to be married

This picture makes me so happy, because LOOK AT ALL THE PEOPLE WHO ARE GOING TO GET MARRIED TODAY! And it also makes me a little sad, because look at all people who are going to get married today, before the state is possibly granted a stay while they appeal the ruling, and marriage equality comes to a screeching halt in Indiana again.

I don't want to presume to know that anyone standing in line feels like they have to get married today. But the fact that it's reasonable anyone even might feel that way, because their state government is fighting to rescind the right granted to them, is bullshit.

Marriage Equality now and forever.

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