There He Is!

Oh man, it has been a long time since we had a good Holy Folks sighting—and you know those are one of my favorite things—so many thanks to Shaker KatherineSpins for passing along this terrific (if slightly dated) story about a man in Ohio finding an image of Jesus in birdshit on his windshield.

image of bird poop splatter on a car windshield, taken from inside the car, which looks vaguely like a face
Jim Lawry was in the driveway of his parents' Brooklyn, Ohio, home when he noticed the spot left behind by a passing bird. A closer look gave him quite a surprise and left him amazed.

Lawry's son, parents and friends all came out to look. They too were amazed.

In an email to NewsChannel5, Lawry said he believed it was some sort of sign and wanted to share.
Nice to see you again, Jesus! You really do work in mysterious ways!

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