The Friday Blogaround

This blogaround brought to you by a cool glass of ice water.

Recommended Reading:

Shannon: [Content Note: Discussion of body policing; fat bias] I'm Cute, Fat, and Living

Aoife: [CN: Discussion of gender policing; coercion] "The Stranger Is Always You": Hedwig, Survival, and the Questionable Trans Label

Soraya: [CN: Discussion of misogyny; silencing] 10 Simple Words Every Girl Should Learn

Angry Asian Man: [CN: Racism; racist imagery at link] Why Are Ignorant People So Eager to Make This Racist Gesture?

Winnie: [CN: Racism; violence; harassment; self-harm] Who Killed Private Danny Chen?

And finally: You are reading Captain Awkward, right? If not, you should definitely check out Captain Awkward, who is totes the best.

Leave your links and recommendations in comments. Self-promotion welcome and encouraged!

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