Quote of the Day

"If I read one more liberal dude bro making this a morality lesson on the importance of voting (with or without the corollary that we should be sure to 'do something useful' with this outrage), I might fucking scream. Why don't you do something with your concern besides schooling me on how you're so much smarter than I am, motherfucker?"—Shakesville Moderator Hallelujah_Hippo, in an email. Published with her permission.

I can't say yes to this hard enough. Yes. Yessssssssssssss. YES.

Relatedly, I tweeted earlier today: "I could really do without the progressive dudes making sarcastic jokes about this decision as some sort of pathetic attempt at allyship. Do you guys understand that there are women who are again contemplating sterilizing themselves b/c of this decision? Be serious or STFU."

To dudes who have nothing to offer but "irony" at this point: Congratulations, assholes—you do indeed sound exactly like the conservatives filling up my TL with rank hatred. And here is why that is a problem.

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