
As I've mentioned, our local paper has a section called "Quickly," where people write in one- or two-line comments about random shit and the paper prints them. As you can imagine, this provides me with endless amusement on a constant basis.

Recently, there's been a fierce debate about unionization generally, and at the local steel mills specifically. The quality of the debate varies. Which is my polite way of saying that the people who write in in defense of unions are generally a lot smarter than the people who write in in opposition to unions.

But don't take my word for it. Here's a terrific example of the high-end arguments from the anti-union crowd:
All of those "Proud Union Home" signs you see in yards are great reminders of why everything made in the USA costs so much money. If union members don't stop the greed, we'll eventually have signs in our yards that say "Proud Imported Home."
Argue with THAT! I dare you!

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