Misandry Helmet for Summer!

Two weeks ago, I noted I'd had a dream that Amy McCarthy and I had gotten matching mohawks MISANDRY HELMETS. Because why wouldn't I dream that? Obviously.

This weekend, I made it happen. Here is my new misandry helmet for summer:

image of me sitting on my stairs raising one eyebrow while sporting a new haircut, shaved on the sides and spiky on top

It's spiky right down the center of the back, too. Crucial for any proper misandry helmet.

Naturally, I had to tweet a pic at Amy, who replied: "LISS. That is AMAZING. I am now strongly considering copying you, you know, so they can match." To which I responded: "Dooooooo iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. (I mean, you know, if you want to, lol!)"

I'm sure if we all really try (by which I mean, those of us who want to), we can definitely make this THE SUMMER OF THE MISANDRY HELMET.

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