In the News

Here is some stuff in the news today...

[Content Note: War; displacement. VIDEO.] Hundreds of thousands of people have been displaced by violence in Mosul. This, after last week's UN report that there are 51.2 million refugees, asylum-seekers, and internally displaced people worldwide.

[CN: War; drones; violence] A bipartisan panel at the Stimson Center, a global-security think tank, has issued a report warning that the Obama administration's drone program "threatens to undermine international law norms and create overwhelming 'blowback' in foreign nations where U.S. drones are used for targeted killing. And the report sharply disapproved of the government's excessive secrecy over legal standards and data regarding casualties, including of civilian bystanders, caused by American drone strikes abroad."

Former Vice-President Dick Cheney says "the Obama administration is cutting defense to spend money on food stamps." And that's meant to be a criticism, lol.

[CN: Transphobia] Brynn Tannehill absolutely tears apart a conservative list of lies about transgender people. Right on.

[CN: Hostility to sex education and safer sex] India's new health minister, Dr. Harsh Vardhan, opposes sex education in school and condom use in marriages. In fact, he doesn't just oppose sex ed in schools; he believes it should be banned.

[CN: Misogyny] Whoooooooooooops: Justin Lookadoo, a Christian motivational speaker who makes a living telling teenagers that "dateable girls know how to shut up," had to miss a scheduled presentation at a middle school in Evansville, IN, "designed to reinforce the importance of high moral values and character for teens," after he was charged with public intoxication.

Olympian Alysia Montano ran the 800m at the U.S. Championships yesterday while 34 weeks into her pregnancy. Amazing. "She received a standing ovation at Sacramento State's Hornet Stadium." Blub.

image of Montano running: She is a black, visibly pregnant woman wearing a yellow flower in her hair, a pink top, and black shorts

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