Good Morning! Or Whatever!

Via Shaker Westsidebecca, here is just a terrific video of a porcupine squeaking happily while eating a pumpkin to start your day!

Video Description: A porcupine named Teddy Bear sits on a wood-slat table next to a black plastic Halloween cauldron full of small pumpkins. His female guardian, from behind the camera, says, "Ah, I think Teddy Bear found some pumpkins for Halloween!" Teddy begins to munch on one of the pumpkins, while it's still in the cauldron. "What'd you find, Ted?" Teddy munches, then begins to squeak excitedly. He looks at his guardian and squeaks at her, then directs his attention back to the pumpkin. "Pick it up," she suggests. He squeaks. "Can you get it? Pick it up." Teddy reaches out his tiny paws and grabs the pumpkin and pulls it out of the cauldron. "Good boy!" He holds it in his wee hands and continues to munch, squeaking contentedly.

"Aww," says his guardian. "What is it, Teddy? Pumpkin?" He looks at her and makes sounds that almost sound like words. "Can you say pumpkin?" He "talks" some more, then goes back to munching. "Looks good!" He holds the pumpkin and munches away on it, squeaking joyfully. Occasionally he looks up and "says" something. Nom nom nom. I swear at 1:25 it sounds just like he says, "This is good!"

"Yum yum?" says his guardian. There is more munching and squeaking and "talking," and it is basically THE CUTEST THING EVER. Eventually, his guardian says, "Ha ha, I think you've finished that one," and holds out another pumpkin. "Here's another one." Teddy squeals in protest and clings to the shell of the first pumpkin. "I'll put it right here," she says, setting it beside him. "Okay." He "talks" at her. "You're welcome," she replies. Nom nom nom.

"Whaddaya think, Teddy? Is that as good as pumpkin pie?" He "talks" in response. "Pretty good stuff?" He pauses for a moment, then dives excitedly back into the pumpkin. Nom nom nom. "Good boy, Teddy." SQUEAK!

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