Community Note

[Content Note: Trans* erasure; disablism.]

A couple of quick reminders—and no individual commenter should take this personally, because this is after a bunch of comments, nor should anyone receive this as though I am angry; it's just time for some gentle reminders:

1. Please don't use the reply function in comments, so we can maintain flat threads for people with visual processing disorders. I'm sorry I'm not able to turn off that function, but Disqus doesn't give us that option.

2. Trans*, genderqueer, and intersex erasure is a violation of the commenting policy. That means defining people by their genitals and/or behavior related to those genitals. So, for example, defining women as people "with a vagina" or defining men as people "who pee standing up." If you mean women, just say women. If you mean men, just say men. If you mean people, just say people.

3. Disablist language is a violation of the commenting policy. Using "insane" (or any variation thereof) as an emphatic modifier is not okay, nor is using any euphemism for mental illness as a synonym for bad behavior. If you mean indecent, or cruel, or hostile, use those words. Additionally, please note that idiot/idiotic, moron, lame, etc. are disablist words, and they are also not okay. Be thoughtful, too, about how many English idioms are disablist in nature, like, "There is none so blind as those who will not see," so you can avoid them.

These are things I've had to learn, too, so I'm not expecting anyone to change behaviors and habits I haven't had to change myself. Please help us keep the space as safe as is possible. Thanks so much.

Shakesville is run as a safe space. First-time commenters: Please read Shakesville's Commenting Policy and Feminism 101 Section before commenting. We also do lots of in-thread moderation, so we ask that everyone read the entirety of any thread before commenting, to ensure compliance with any in-thread moderation. Thank you.

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